Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Love Dance

I was in one of my moods this morning and was going to write a post about how it sucks being single. It's been a long time since I've been on a date and I was going to do a little whining — blah, blah, blah.
(Anyway, who are these people who think life is better without companionship?)

Then I turned on the television and got even more depressed. The Today Show was doing a segment on "Skinny Speeddating" — speeddating for men who are only interested in women who are thin. What about speeddating for men who are interested in women who are bottom-heavy? You know, men who like the song, "Baby Got Back."

sigh... I just can't win can I?

Anyway, I was getting a little pissed off, but then the Today Show featured a recently engaged couple in which the man orchestrated an elaborate choreographed proposal to his girlfriend. He got 60 of their friends to participate and dance to Bruno Mars' Marry Me. I loved it !

The video made me smile. I'm such a hopeless romantic and already thinking of unique ways my fiance can propose to me (just kidding).

Now yall know I love to dance. In fact, I want to have a choreographed first dance at my wedding reception to Beyonce's Love on Top. My friends already know they're gonna have to learn a dance routine. It's gonna be fun! But until that happens, please check out Isaac's proposal to Amy below. Let me know what you think:

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