Monday, July 26, 2010

The Law of Attraction

Over the past year, I've been sharing my dating stories on this blog. As you know, I haven't met the "one" yet. In fact, I haven't met anyone I would even consider "dateable."

Have you heard the phrase: "You attract who you are"?
Well, I've come to the conclusion that I'm crazy.


How else could I explain the type of men I've been meeting?

After this latest episode, I had to take a hard look at myself: Why am I not attracting the kind of man I want? I had to ask myself: What is it about me that keeps attracting crazies — clingy men who are overly aggressive? These are not the kind of men I pray for or want, so why do they always come into my life? What am I doing wrong?

Is it the way I dress? Maybe it's my attitude or demeanor. Maybe I'm giving off a certain vibe — desperate and needy. Maybe I'm in some way projecting my own insecurities.

I don't know.

But it's something about me that's attracting a certain type of man. It's also something about me that is NOT attracting the kind of man I want to share my life with.

Remember the blog post I wrote several weeks ago titled, Maybe It's Me.
Well, maybe it is me.

I mean, I consider myself a sane, responsible, pretty straight up person. But maybe I'm delusional.

What are your thoughts?
Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?


BPC said...

I do believe in the law of attraction and understand it in every other area, except MEN!! I don't understand it. I tend to attract men with commitment issues. I dunno. Just try to refocus, I guess.

kendra said...

i'm really disturbed by the trend to blame ourselves for everything that goes wrong. black women get dumped on for everything. you ARE sane, attractive, funny, intelligent, hard working, a great friend. perfect? of course not. but all the qualities someone should want in a mate. if i were a man I'D want you. DO NOT give in to the "what's wrong with me?" blues. ain't nothing wrong with you.

SingLikeSassy said...

It hurts my heart to read this because I know you are a lovely person.

There is nothing wrong with you. Stop speaking truth to that.