Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Question of the Day

If you had money or were married to an extremely wealthy man, would you have a nanny to take care of your child or children?

Why or why not?

Do you think having a nanny would allow you to spend more time with your husband or that you'll have more time to nurture your marriage?


BPC said...

First, where is the other one?? I think Jacob is pictured, but I'm probably wrong. I do not believe I would hire a nanny unless I had three or more children. I would hire a nanny if I had multiple children for the sake of having a smoothly run household, not necesarily so that I could spend time with my husband. I think children are a husband responsibility too, no need for a nanny for HIS sake. Just my thoughts as a person with NO children. With multiple children, it just gets to a point where you can't do anything BUT watch them, at least when they are young, and the rest of the housework falls by the wayside.

kendra said...

heck yeah! i'd even try to figure out a way without a lot of money. both my grandmothers had older children to help with the younger ones. same difference. :)

Anonymous said...

It's a no brainer for me. I'd definitely hire a nanny! She wouldn't have to be full-time or live-in, if I was married. Now, if I decided to be a single mom, I'd do my best to afford a full-time nanny. I don't have any family in the area who I can count on so a nanny would be a necessity.

SingLikeSassy said...

Actually nanny shares are the norm in the D.C. area, as it costs about the same as the good daycares and that's what we had planned to do if this cycle had worked out. I think people find money to do the things they want and need to do.